Imposters, chameleons and scamsters have been running roughshod throughout the supply chain, and the entire transportation sector, for decades now. They insidiously interject themselves, via feigned identities, imposter/chameleon roles, and sophisticated cyberattacks, with resultant losses of not only high value cargo, but also actual physical rolling stock. These tactics also insinuate themselves into freight charge payment schematics, and payment exchanges between shippers and consignees for high value goods. Often in these situations, both the shipper and the carrier have been scammed, through minimal fault of their own, but with, unfortunately, little consequent recourse. Not even FMCSA itself is immune from inroads by these bad actors.
The frequency of these tactics was increasing relentlessly prior to 2020. However, these violations were magnified and accelerated by a Great Digitization during the COVID pandemic, logistics entities dramatically digitized ever more phases of their operations to respond to the strictures and proclivities of the pandemic. This panel of blue ribbon experts will discuss topics that encompass all modes and will insightfully recommend various methodologies by which transportation and logistics companies can prevent and combat identity theft in their daily operations, commercial relations, contractual practices, regulatory filing hygiene, and systemic IT policies.
The Great Digitization exponentially increased the risk of cyber security threats. The panel will discuss cyber security and data privacy contingencies from both the combative and preemptive perspectives. The panel will explore how to set up internal systems that complement privacy compliance efforts and related contracting, like data mapping and the necessity of legal/compliance, IT, operations, and human resources, working together to rebuff cyberattacks. The panel will spotlight the risks of identity theft and other forms of cyber fraud facing carriers on the road, on the rails, and on the internet itself. Panelists will compare the UMLER system for electronic tracking of railcars with digital truck registration systems now being tested by several state DOTs. They will compare current rail and highway vehicle identification requirements and standards for electronically tracking rolling stock, including license plate tracking and GPS tracking. It will discuss various fraudster methodologies, including cloned trucks and border coyotes, and how to deal with them. Finally, the panel will discuss the FMCSA/DOT agency responses to this pox on the industry, and update the audience on the progress of regulatory safeguards.
Yes, the cyber hacking barbarians are at the gates, the FMCSA and industry specialists are working to repel them, and this panel will sum it all up for you. You won’t want to miss it!
Date: August 31, 2022
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Webinar
Eric Benton, Partner, Mayer LLP, Houston, TX
Christopher J. Merrick, Flaster Greenberg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mark Andrews, Clark Hill, Washington D.C.
Ryan T. Sulkin, Partner, Benesch, Chicago, Illinois