Flaster Greenberg Labor and Employment attorney Michael D. Homans was recently contacted by New Jersey Law Journal reporter Charles Toutant for expert legal commentary on two recent New Jersey federal court cases addressing employers facing novel suits over proselytizing co-workers. The article focuses on an employer’s obligation to balance the right to religious expression at work and the right to be free of unwelcome proselytizing by co-workers.
“Just like the concept of the separation of church and state, I think most employers and employees want a separation between church and work, even though that is not strictly required by the law,” said Homans. He went on to state that “employers have a duty to accommodate religious beliefs and practices to the extent that the accommodation doesn’t cause a hardship to the employer. For example, employers generally should provide a break for a Muslim to pray at certain hours if it’s not an undue hardship.”
To read the article in its entirety, click here.