The federal government and many individual states have focused on identifying and penalizing employers across a broad range of industries who misclassify employees as independent contractors. In some cases, heavy fines and even prison sentences have been levied against violators. Being classified as independent contractors, or “1099” employees, provides benefit, both to the employer as well as to the employee, but the possible adverse consequences for misclassification pose a severe risk to employers.
This free legal seminar will define the criteria used to distinguish between an employee and independent contractor, discuss “action steps” employers must take to comply with guidelines, and break down and explain recent court cases in which misclassification was at issue. In addition, attendees will also learn IRS and DOL enforcement audit procedures, “best practices” to limit, or avoid, liability, IRS, DOL, NJ and PA independent contractor’s tests and keys to drafting effective independent contractor agreements.
The following seminars are sponsored by Complete Investment Management and United Retirement Plan Consultants and feature Flaster Greenberg Employment and Labor Law attorney, Ken Gilberg:
When: June 19, 2012, 8:00 a.m.
Where: Richard J. Flaster Conference Center, 1810 Chapel Avenue West, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
When: June 27, 2012. 8:00 a.m.
Where: Complete Investment Management, 800 Enterprise Road, #103, Horsham, PA 19044