We represent corporate and individual policyholders in all facets of insurance coverage law. In this increasingly complex world, legal counseling is often instrumental in gaining a full understanding of underlying exposures and the insurance available to cover those exposures.
By choice, we do not represent insurance carriers, so we are able to represent our clients who have disputes with their insurers vigorously, without the conflict-of-interest concerns that can hinder other firms.
Our lawyers analyze coverages in place and counsel clients on enhancements that may be prudent in response to anticipated risks. After a claim arises, our first order of business is to resolve any coverage dispute and secure prompt insurance recoveries. Often, resolution can be achieved without the need for litigation. When litigation becomes necessary, our trial lawyers consistently achieve successful outcomes for our clients.
We have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of corporate, municipal and individual policyholders and have handled a wide array of insurance coverage disputes.
Types of Insurance Coverage Disputes
- Advertising claims
- Asbestos-related claims and other toxic tort suits
- Builders risk claims
- Construction liabilities
- COVID-19 losses
- Cyber-liability and hacker attacks
- Directors and Officers liability claims
- Employment discrimination
- Environmental liabilities
- Intellectual property violations involving trademarks, copyrights and patents
- Legal malpractice coverage claims
- Manufacturing plant losses
- Natural disasters, including hurricanes, floods and windstorms
- Professional liability coverage claims
- Property and business interruption losses
- Securities class actions and derivative lawsuits
- Statutory liabilities under the TCPA and FCRA
Our Insurance Attorneys Offer Prompt and Efficient:
- Location and proof of lost and expired insurance policies
- Insurance policy analysis and interpretation
- Damage quantification; including the retention of forensic accounting and other experts
- Compilation of settlement models and scenarios
- Claim development, presentation and negotiation
- Settlement structuring and negotiation with insurance companies
- Mediation, arbitration and litigation through trial and appeal
Experience, Knowledge, Training
We have the experience, knowledge and training to provide our clients with a full understanding of, and the opportunity to maximize, their insurance assets. Our approach is tailored to meet each client's specific requirements and objectives.
Insurance Recovery Resources
- Insurance Recovery Best Practices After A Natural Disaster - This printable one-page PDF serves as as a step-by-step guide for policyholders to consider before filing a claim to maximize coverage after a natural disaster occurs.
- Ten Tips to Securing Insurance Coverage for a Business Interruption
- Property Loss Checklist for Business Insureds
- Property Loss Checklist for Condominiums
- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- Business Insurance()
- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- FG Case Studies()
- Press Release()
- ROI-NJ()
- Law360()
- Press Release()
- Law360()
- Philadelphia Business Journal()
- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- Law360 Insurance Authority()
- Press Release()
- Law360 Insurance Authority()
- Law360 Insurance Authority()
- Insurance Counseling Attorney John G. Koch Quoted in Law360 Article About Drug Maker's Coverage SuitLaw360 Insurance Authority()
- Law360 Insurance Authority()
- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- Flaster Greenberg Shareholder Meghan Moore Honored by Thomson Reuters as 2023 Florida “Super Lawyer”Press Release()
- Press Release()
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- Press Release()
- Press Release()
- Law360()
- Press Release()
- Law360 Insurance Authority()
- Press Release()
- Flaster Greenberg Shareholder Meghan Moore Honored by Thomson Reuters as 2022 Florida “Super Lawyer”Press Release()
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- Press Release()
- LAW360()
- LAW360()
- LAW360()
- LAW360()
- LAW360()
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- CAC Specialty Insurance Solutions()
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- Strafford Webinars()
- American College of Coverage Counsel()
- Strafford Webinars()
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- RIMS Annual Conference()
- RIMS Annual Conference()
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- RIMS, Delaware Valley Chapter()
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- Delaware Valley Environmental Inn of Court()
- Association of Corporate Counsel Greater Philadelphia()
- Strafford Webinars()
- Strafford Webinars()
- Strafford Webinars()
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- Association of Corporate Counsel - Greater Philadelphia, In House Counsel Conference()
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- American College of Coverage Counsel()
- Strafford Publications()
- WIND 2021 In-Person Symposium()
- RIMS, Delaware Valley()
- Flaster Greenberg PC()
- Webinar()
- Strafford Webinars()
- Insurance Coverage Update: COVID-19 and ADR SolutionsJAMS, Webinar()
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- The History of Property Insurance: From Boats to BlockchainProperty Insurance Law Committee Spring CLE Conference, Austin, TX()
- I Will Survive! Overcoming Daubert ChallengesLitigation Section Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee Seminar, Tucson, AZ()
- I Will Survive! Overcoming Daubert ChallengesProperty Insurance Law Committee Spring CLE Conference, Nashville, TN()
- National Business Institute()
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- Payback: When Is The Insurance Company Entitled to Repayment?Property Insurance Law Committee Mid-Year Meeting, Nashville, TN()
- Employment Practices Insurance Coverage-What is it and What does it Cover?ABA Section of Litigation Roundtable, Teleseminar()
- Insurance Coverage for Business TortsPBI Business Institute, Seminar, Philadelphia, PA()
- The Art and Ethics of NegotiationABA TIPS Property Insurance Law Committee, Seminar, San Antonio, TX()
- Conditions Under a Property Insurance PolicyThompson Reuters, Webinar, Philadelphia, PA()
- How to Determine the Insured Amount of a Property LossThompson Reuters, Webinar, Philadelphia, PA()
- Enforcing Arbitration, Appraisal and Other AwardsABA TIPS, Seminar, Carlsbad, CA()
- New Jersey Builders Association()
- Communicating With Insurers: How to Minimize Disputes While Setting the Stage to Maximize RecoveryRIMS Seminar, Houston, TX()
- Causation: How to Determine What Caused a Property Insurance LossThomson Reuters Webinar()
- Superstorm Sandy-Eight Months LaterHarrisMartin's Superstorm Sandy Insurance Coverage Litigation Conference, InterContinental New York Barclay, New York, NY()
- Broker E&O ImplicationsHarrisMartin's Superstorm Sandy Insurance Coverage Litigation Conference, InterContinental New York Barclay, New York, NY()
- Direct Physical Loss: What Is It and When Does It Take Place?West LegalEdcenter, Webinar()
- New Jersey Builders Association()
- Best Practices in Pre-Trial Litigation in the Federal CourtsPennsylvania Bar Institute()
- Recovery of Consequential Damages Resulting from an Insurer's Breach of Contract()
- Builders Risk Coverage: The Different Rights of the Developer and the ContractorsFirst Party Claims Conference, Providence, RI()
- Recovery of Consequential Damages Resulting From an Insurer's Breach of ContractABA TIPS Property Insurance Law Committee, Orlando, FL()
- Litigation Issues and Strategy in D&O Liability Insurance CoveragePennsylvania Bar Institute, Mechanicsburg, PA()
- Ethical Issues Involved In Firm and Client MergersABA TIPS Property Insurance Law Committee, San Francisco, CA()
- Litigation Issues and Strategy in D&O Liability Insurance CoveragePennsylvania Bar Institute. Philadelphia, PA()
- Over-Zealous Advocacy: How You Can Hurt Your Case Without Crossing the LineABA TIPS Property Insurance Law Committee, Austin, TX()
- Current Issues In Legal Malpractice InsurancePennsylvania Bar Institute Claims Made and Professional Liability Coverage Program, Philadelphia, PA()
- Current Issues In Legal Malpractice InsurancePennsylvania Bar Institute Claims Made and Professional Liability Coverage Program, Pittsburgh, PA()
- Recoupment of Defense Costs" and "Trigger of Business Interruption CoverageMealey's Teleconference on the Top 5 Issues Facing the Insurance Industry, Teleseminar()
- What is Covered? Property Insurance Policy Insuring AgreementsABA TIPS Property Insurance Law Committee, Teleseminar()
- What You Don't Know Will Hurt YouInternational IT Law Summit: IT/IP Insurance, Seminar()
- Handling Experts: How to Properly Disclose Experts Without Losing Your License and Being Sued for MalpracticeLitigation Section Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee Mid-Year Meeting, Tucson, AZ()
- When Must a Property Insurer Pay a ClaimABA TIPS Property Insurance Law Committee, Amelia Island, FL()
- Must an Excess Insurer Prove Prejudice Before Denying Coverage Based on Breach of a Policy ConditionABA Litigation Section Meeting, Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee Mid-Year, Tucson, AZ()
- Insurance Issues Every Lawyer Needs to KnowNational Constitution Center Audio Conference, Teleseminar()
- Insurance Issues for Condominium DevelopmentUrban Land Institute, San Francisco, CA()
Articles & Alerts
- The Legal Intelligencer()
- The Legal Intelligencer()
- Legal Alert()
- Risk Management Magazine()
- American Bar Association()
- Law360()
- Law360()
- Law360()
- Risk Management Magazine()
- Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi()
- Law360()
- FG Law Blog()
- Law360()
- Law360()
- Law360()
- Law360()
- Law360()
- The Legal Intelligencer()
- The Philadelphia Business Journal()
- Law360()
- The Legal Intelligencer()
- The Philadelphia Business Journal()
- The Legal Intelligencer()
- FG Law Blog()
- Additional Insured Coverage: Be Sure To Look Under the HoodThe Legal Intelligencer()
- Recent Developments In Property Insurance Coverage LitigationTort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal(Winter 2019)
- Recent Developments In Property Insurance Coverage LitigationTort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal(Winter 2018)
- Using Insurance to Transfer Transaction RisksMetropolitan Corporate Counsel()
- Recent Developments In Property Insurance Coverage LitigationTort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal(Winter 2017)
- The Clock is TickingContinuity Magazine()
- 3rd Circ. Says Insurers Can't Evade Defense ObligationsLaw360()
- Recent Developments In Property Insurance Coverage LitigationTort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal(Winter 2016)
- Recent Developments In Property Insurance Coverage LitigationTort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal(Winter 2016)
- "Decay" Includes Gradual DeteriorationIRMI()
- Send Your Reservation Of Rights To The Right PersonLaw360()
- Blog Post()
- Builders Risk Policies: Are You Really Covered?IRMI()
- Insurable Interest and Having Enough Skin in the GameIRMI()
- Environmental Claims Journal, Volume 26, Issue 1()
- Coverage Endorsements: Is Your Company Carefully Reviewing Policy Changes and Correspondence with Insurance Companies and Brokers?IRMI(Winter 2014)
- Recent Developments in Property Insurance Coverage LitigationTort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal(Fall 2013)
- Property Insurance Litigator’s Handbook, Second EditionAmerican Bar Association()